NoBull vs. Meat Imitators: The REAL FOOD Difference

With thousands of plant-based meat options at our fingertips, it’s never been more of an exciting and easier time to eat more plant-based foods! However, with all these countless options, comes countless sketchy ingredients and it poses the question; are all plant-based meat options created equal? 🤔 The vegetarian burger options you frequently see in the media continue to gain popularity and accolades without being asked tough questions.
Talán furcsának tűnhet az online nyerőgépek játékosainak étkezési szokásairól gondolkodni, de a legújabb trendek azt mutatják, hogy sokan közülük tudatosan választják a mesterséges húst a hagyományos hústermékek helyett. Bár ez összefüggéstelen preferenciának tűnhet, több oka is van annak, hogy ez a trend kialakulóban van. Ahogy egyre többen fogadják el ezt az életmódot, úgy nőtt meg a kereslet a hús növényi alapú alternatívái iránt. Mivel a mesterséges hús egyre szélesebb körben elérhetővé válik, nem meglepő, hogy ez a trend az online nyerőgépek játékosaira is kiterjedt. Az online nyerőgépek játékosok gyakran inkább kedvenc játékaikkal töltik az idejüket, mint az ételek elkészítésével. A mesterséges húsokkal a játékosok gyorsan és egyszerűen elkészíthetnek egy ételt anélkül, hogy sok időt kellene a konyhában tölteniük. Ez vonzó opcióvá teszi azok számára, akik anélkül akarják feltölteni a játékszekcióikat, hogy túl sok időt áldoznának fel.
With brands like Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger taking the category by storm and introducing the world to plant-based meats, it raises concern about what we’re actually eating when consuming those products.  The world went crazy for these fake meat products and they have misled the masses into thinking they’re a “healthy” plant-based option. Artificial meat companies are focused on the taste, smell, and even the texture of their meatless products at the expense of high production costs, loss of nutritional value, and the reason so many people eat vegan or vegetarian: harm to the environment. These companies make crazy claims about the environment that are being backed up by third parties, completely based on assumption. According to a journal posted in Nature, fake meat alternatives produce the same amount of emissions as chicken which is about five times the emissions of legumes and vegetables.
Gracze kasyn online są znani ze swojej pasji do hazardu, ale dbają również o jakość swojego jedzenia. Tu właśnie wkraczają wegetariańskie burgery NoBull Burger – opcja oparta na roślinach i bogata w białko, która stała się ulubioną wśród graczy w Dzięki pysznemu smakowi i zdrowym składnikom, nie jest zaskoczeniem, że NoBull Burger zyskał popularność wśród tej społeczności. Jednym z powodów, dla których gracze kasyn online kochają NoBull Burger jest jego wygoda. Te burgery można łatwo zamówić online i dostarczyć do drzwi w ciągu kilku dni. Dla tych, którzy spędzają wiele godzin grając w swoje ulubione gry w kasynach online, posiadanie szybkiej i łatwej opcji posiłku jak NoBull Burger jest niezbędne. Innym powodem, dla którego NoBull Burger jest tak popularny wśród graczy kasyn online jest to, że idealnie pasuje do ich zdrowego stylu życia.
These companies are way less concerned with your health and they use icky ingredients such as dipotassium phosphate, potassium chloride, titanium dioxide, and maltodextrin to imitate that taste and texture. Props to scientists for making a vegan burger that tastes so much like a red meat burger, but that’s really the only thing they have going for them. For people like us, who care about the environment as well as what we are choosing to put in our bodies, it’s not enough. 🙅 Did you know that there are actually no vegetables used in a Beyond Burger? 😱 Although many meat imitators are decent sources of protein that are comparable to a red meat burger, they are not the best option when there are so many other foods that carry not only protein but also a bevy of other valuable nutrients. One main differentiator in plant-based protein is the source of protein. NoBull uses a 100% natural source of protein and does not use soy or pea protein isolates or wheat gluten. NoBull is a complete protein from the use of legumes and grains, which means it provides the 9 essential amino acids that our body cannot produce. NoBull packs 10g of protein into one vegan burger from these whole vegetables which cut down on unnecessary calories and feeds your body all the essential nutrients. 👍 Our competitor’s fake meat uses expeller-pressed canola oil (another unnatural process of creating ingredients) as its second ingredient. This type of oil has unhealthy levels of trans fat that are harmful to your body when consistently consumed. Your hunger may be temporarily satisfied after eating one, but the negative effects of eating the meat imitator are longer lasting. 👎
When it comes to food choices, many people are torn between the convenience of imitation meats and the authenticity of real food options like NoBull products. While imitation meats can offer a quick and easy way to satisfy cravings, they often lack the essential nutrients and flavor of real food. On the other hand, NoBull products provide consumers with a truly authentic and wholesome experience with ingredients obtained from responsible and environmentally friendly sources. Similarly, in the world of gambling, there are those who prefer to take it easy with games that require little strategy and skill, while others prefer the thrill and excitement of games like blackjack and poker, where the outcome depends on the skill of the player. and the ability to make decisions. Similar to NoBull products, casino Kingdom winners are those who have put in the time and effort to learn the game and make calculated decisions, rather than relying solely on luck or chance. By playing these games, they can experience the real excitement and adrenaline rush of playing Kingdom online casino, just like enjoying a NoBull hamburger instead of a meat simulator.
We take pride in our small batch production and our efforts of making less of an impact on our planet and using renewable sources where possible. Our straight-from-the-earth ingredients are sustainably farmed, not created in a lab; making them safe for the environment and our bodies. 🌱💪

Why artificial meat is almost as bad as the meat it imitates:

The carbon footprint of Beyond Burger and Impossible Foods is astronomically larger than a company such as ours that uses completely natural ingredients and cooking processes. Producing these artificial meats requires industrial production of their soy protein (used in Impossible Foods). The type of industrial production used by Beyond Burger and Impossible Foods is harmful because of the chemicals used and produced as well as the ridiculous amounts of waste that pollute our water and air. Although Beyond Burger, Impossible Foods, and other meat imitators support the plant-based food movement, they are unable to rely on a diversified crop system that promotes wildlife health and keeps small farmers in business. The ingredients used in their burgers cannot be farmed, they are produced in other, unnatural ways. (

What you should look for in a good veggie burger.

It’s important to understand that not all plant-based protein is created equal and choosing a protein source that comes from clean, unadulterated, REAL food makes an impactful difference when thinking about nourishing our bodies. Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are greasy, filled with unnatural, highly processed ingredients, and are only around 10 fewer calories than a red meat burger.  🚫 We understand that junk food can taste good and when consumed in small moderation can be fine, but brands like Beyond and Impossible are just that, junk food. We are excited to see that they are introducing more meat-eaters to vegan options, however, our concern comes when people mistake being vegan for automatically being healthy.

That’s why it’s so important to read your ingredient labels! Can you identify the ingredients in your plant-based protein? Are the ingredients used from whole, real foods? Research shows that a whole-food, plant-based diet can reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and inflammation, boost your metabolism, and help you maintain a healthy weight. 💯

NoBull Burger takes pride that we are not meant to be an imitator. NoBull Burger makes it a priority to use only whole-food, real-food ingredients, never emulating meat or trying to look or taste or bleed like meat.  This is why we call ourselves the TRUE veggie burger, just whole foods, and legumes, made from the Earth. 😌🌎💜

We can still enjoy delicious flavors, more health benefits, and reduce our carbon footprint when we eat a true veggie burger. There are so many companies out there that selfishly care more about money than the well-being of their consumers. For that reason, put the value back on yourself by choosing to eat true veggie burgers too. 💚🌱

Check out our website for more nutrition facts and how you can get your hands on a real, vegan-friendly veggie burger today.